A synchronized light show in Alpharetta Georgia. Over 65,000 Lights.
Good News
If you've come to this page because you are responding to the "got Jesus" prompt in our show, then I want to thank you for watching our show and I hope you find something meaningful here. If you just happened to be checking out our site and found this page, then I hope something speaks to you.
Life can be stressful, especially at Christmas, my hope is that sharing my heart about Jesus might be just what you need. He doesn't promise to fix our problems but He does promise to walk with us through them. Whether you've never met Jesus, or have been following Him for years, He is the only trustworthy source of purpose and hope in this world.
The Gospel from Two Perspectives
I've decided to present the "good news" of Jesus using two different perspectives:
The Situation - This is a more casual conversational discussion of the message.
Three Circles - This is more technical and will appeal to the analytical folks.
Choosing one of those links will take you to a separate page where the message is provided in detail using the indicated perspective. I'd suggest that reading both might be profitable.
Get Connected
We were not meant to be alone, in addition to a relationship with God we need other believers to help us in our walk. The best place to find friends to help you grow in your walk is through a Bible believing church.
We would love to have you visit our church family at First Baptist Church of Alpharetta. If you'd like a glimpse before visiting, you can watch the contemporary service on-line via live stream at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM every Sunday.
Got Questions?
We are happy to connect with you and help find answers to your questions. You can reach out to us via email at PierceLights@Yahoo.com, or by using the Contact Us form on this site.
Got Questions?
You can reach out to us at PierceLights@Yahoo.com and we'll gladly connect to help find answers to your questions.