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One year we were doing after Christmas clearance shopping at a Walmart store and we came upon a pile of wire wreath frames. They were irresistibly priced so we immediately asked ourselves if we could put pixels on them. We decided right away that they'd look great with pixels and we envisioned then spinning them and chasing. That was the birth of what we call "rings."
Element Details
How We Constructed Them
Our Requirements & Assumptions
This information is important to understand why we designed the rings as we did.
We wanted ten rings total but we thought it might be difficult to handle ten rings all connected. We considered having connectors between each ring but opted instead to have two sets of five rings.
We decided to dedicate a four output controller to the rings. We could have used outputs from another controller but we liked having the rings isolated on a dedicated controller.
To configure the rings exactly as we did ours, and for ease of following the instructions below, you'll need these items.
Note: I'll try to explain the purpose of the item so you can substitute as you see fit.
​Circle Wreath Forms - 10 Total - We bought ours at Walmart.
Bullet Pixels - 3" Spacing - 45 per Ring (450 Total)
Pigtail - 3 wire (P/N/D) - 2 Total (1 per Ring Set)
Pigtail - 2 Wire (P/N) - 2 Total (1 per Ring Set) - for Power Injection
Ready made Extension - 3 Wire (P/N/D) - Need 1
DIY Extension Wire (3 Wires) - 18 gauge - About 8 Feet
Power Injection Wire - We used SPT Wire (at least 21 Feet)
4" Black Cable Ties - 90 per Ring (900 Total)
5.5" or 6" Black Cable Ties - 16 Total
Constructing the Rings
These instructions will enable you to configure the rings exactly as we did ours. The Rings Power/Data Configuration diagram shows the finished product.​
We configured our rings to be sequenced/controlled as two sets of 5 rings. These instructions will complete 1 set of 5 rings.
​Repeat these steps for each of the five rings.
Cut one set of 90 pixels per ring.
Using two 4" cable ties per pixel, attach the pixels to the wreath form as described in the Rings Pixel Application diagram.
Complete these steps as shown in the Rings Power and Data Connections diagram.​ This will complete the five rings set, providing power and data at the start and power injection at the end.
Attach a 3 wire pigtail to the first pixel for Ring #1. Note: This pigtail needs to pair with the Output pigtail from your controller.
Connect the last pixel on Ring #1 to he first pixel on Ring #2 using a 12" piece of the 18 gauge x 3 Wire extension.
Connect the last pixel on Ring #2 to he first pixel on Ring #3 using a 12" piece of the 18 gauge x 3 Wire extension.
Connect the last pixel on Ring #3 to he first pixel on Ring #4 using a 12" piece of the 18 gauge x 3 Wire extension.
Connect the last pixel on Ring #4 to he first pixel on Ring #5 using a 12" piece of the 18 gauge x 3 Wire extension.
Attach the SPT wire to the last pixel on Ring #5. This wire should be long enough to reach from Ring #5 to the controller.
Attach a 2 wire power injection pigtail the end of the SPT wire. Note: This pigtail needs to pair with the Power Injection Output pigtail from your controller.
Physically connect the rings to each other using two 5.5" or 6" cable ties on the outer wire at the horizontal center point. Important! Leave the cable ties slightly loose to enable you to fold the rings for storage.
How We Display Them
We hang the rings from a pole that is mounted on T-Posts (as shown in the diagram).
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