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Christmas Canon

This is another one that we extracted from TSO's Christmas in Sarajevo.  

Segment Information

Show: Christmas

Introduced: 2014

Author: This segment is 100% Stuart

Song: Christmas Eve in Sarajevo (Christmas Canon portion)

Atrist: Trans Siberian Orchestra


This segment uses rainbow colors arranged in rainbow order.


The music in this song feels like "spinning" to me.  So all of the display elements have some representation of that motion.  This segment has a great example of how I used the same motion on different elements that look different but feel the same. If watch the Pixel Trees and the Rings, this is what you will see:

  • All 10 of the Pixel Trees are rotating the rainbow colors around as if they were spinning.

  • All 10 of the Rings (Outer Rings) are rotating the rainbow colors around as if they were spinning.

  • The Pixel Trees Stars are rotating through the rainbow colors from tree 1 through tree 10.

  • The Rings (Inner Rings) are rotating through the rainbow colors from ring 1 through tree 10 (with the ring matching the corresponding tree number).

That translates to the Rings being what you'd see if you were looking down on a 360 degree version of the Pixel Trees.

Toy Soldiers

Some viewers have asked why there are Toy Soldiers in this segment.  The real answer is because I really wanted to do toy soldiers on the garage matrices but they did not seem to fit into a specific segment.  I didn't have any specific ideas for matrix content for this segment, so toy soldiers found a home.  The soldiers change shifts in the middle of the segement as follows:

  • First Shift | Left Matrix - Dressed in a Blue Hat, Red Coat, Gold Pants and Blue Boots

  • First Shift | Right Matrix - Dressed in a Red Hat, Blue Coat, Gold Pants and Red Boots

  • Second Shift | Left Matrix - Dressed in a Blue Hat, Red Coat, Blue Pants and Red Boots

  • Second Shift | Right Matrix - Dressed in a Red Hat, Blue Coat, Red Pants and Blue Boots


I always wanted to do a train in a segement but, like the soldiers, I never had a place for one.  I had a conversation with a young man who was building his first matrix and wanted to do a train.  I created an animated GIF of a train and sent it to him.  To the best of my knowledge, he never used it in his show.  As I was preparing the sequences for the 2020 show I realized that we still had nothing on the monster matrix and I decided a train could work in this segment.  I enhanced the train that I had created and added it to the segment.  The Train zooms in from the right and then continues out to the left when the segment ends.


This section provides photos from past versions of this segment in the show.


This section includes images that were either used in the segment or are provided to explain something about how we designed the segment.  Select an image to view a larger version and additional information.

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